LFA Café

LFA Café


he said
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* May 29, 2003, 09:23:38 PM
­in the begining of our realationship he told me he would always love me he would always be here for me we had so much fun then he hit me i left for 2 days then he told me i was fat wich im only 102 lbs and today he told me he hated me i want to get over him but i cant i always think about him i try doing things to get him off my mind but it never works do you have any idea how i can get over him



May 30, 2003, 11:45:34 AM
­ AKM:

Well, it won't be easy. You are not alone I don't know any girl who hasn't had some guy that make life rough yet they had a hard time getting over them. BUT the important part is this: The more you start thinking you are worth something the less you will want him. See when you have not self worth and think you don't deserve any better well you get what you think you are worth. So this guy is a reflection of how little you think of yourself. I would start working on myself. You have all the power. If you can start believing first that you are a worthy person who doesn't need anyone to make them complete much less a slug who treats you so bad and you start thinking of yourself as having rights. Do you know you have rights AKM? You have the right to be treated with respect, the right to be loved, the right to not live in fear and the right to self respect. You have as many rights as you demand. Now it is up to you to start demanding your rights. You have to give yourself permission to want the best, the most everything for AKM. Until you start demanding and standing up for your rights you are going to always be a victim and get slugged around by guys who feel nothing to hurting a girl. What kind of man does it take to slap around a girl? Not a very big one I am afraid. But you can stop it by taking back your power by believing you do deserve to have a good life, a safe life, friends, love, a guy who treats you right. I would rather be alone on the street than let a guy treat me the way you have let this guy treat you. I have worked hard giving myself permission to believe I deserve the best and the best to me is not being abused, but being loved, faithfully loved, devotedly loved and to be treated with respect. NO matter what AKM you deserve respect but that is the key to life you truly only get what you think you are worth. So that is why it all starts with you. Now to me that is a good thing because that means I got the power. IF it started with someone else then they would have the power. But it starts with me so I got the power. I got as much power as I want. I just have to take it and it is mine. This is true for everyone. We all get what we ask for. Your life is a reflection of what you think of yourself. So start thinking of yourself AKM. You are worth it. This is your life make it work for you. Get what you want, your way and all that you want. Nothing is beyond your reach unless you don't reach for it. Our only limitations are the ones we make up in our own mind. Start freeing yourself AKM. You deserve the best of the best and you can have it nothing but your own thoughts are stopping you. So go for it. If I can do it you can do it. You don't need some animal that does what this guy does. Think about it think about you for once and that there are people all over the world getting what they want because they believe they are worth it that is the only difference in you and anyone else AKM is what you believe. So start believing.

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