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How to tell this guy to back off
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* November 04, 2003, 07:31:25 PM
­ I can't stand this guy but he's always flirting with me, I'm taken, he's a perv, and i don't date guys that are younger than me


* November 04, 2003, 10:10:26 PM
­I swear it must be perverted guy week! Girl i know exactly how u feel! i just broke up with my boyfriend and have been fighting guys off all week!

But even before we broke up and were still together, i had countless numbers of guys trying to hit on me, get me to go home with them, dance, have dinner, leave the club so we could go someplace quiet to just 'talk'. Oh they tried everything! and no matter how many times i told them i was taken until i was blue in the face, they kept on trying.

So why u ask. yes this question baffled me for quite some time. But from experience i have learnt that males, when over ruled by their large quantities of testosterone will do what ever it takes to get what they want. males have to have what they desire. they will go to any lenghts to get it, regardless of who ur with or how desperate they look. when a guy wants a chick, he goes after her. And also, i think that the fact u are taken, is more of a challenge for him, therefor he wants u even more. in some sort of sick way, some guys think that taking others guys girls, is some sort of victory.

So how do u get rid of him. Have u tried just plain out telling him that u dont like him, and ur very happy with ur boyfriend and could he please leave u alone. tell him u feel uncomfortable when he flirts with u. if he is a friend (by the sounds of it u dont feel very friendly towards him )but if he is a friend, tell him how his flirting with u is making u uncomfortable and jepordising the ur friendship.

If none of this works and he is still persuing u, then this may work. u asked nicely and he didnt listen, so now we gotta be a little more cunning. At the moment he desires to be with u. What u want to do is turn him off so bad, he'll never think about persuing u again. Think of all the things that u think he may be attracted about u. Are u too nice to him? try giving him the cold shoulder.dont pay any attention to what he says and if he gets too much just walk away and go over to ur boyfriend. Usually ignoring them works.

If he doesn't get the hint then u want to disgust him as much as possible. say anything that will make a guy cringe. start talking about ur monthly cycle, cramps, bras, the lot. all the things that guys hate! tell him when u need to go to the toilet but be really vulgar about it like 'i need to take a p***. Anything to make urself undesirable, with in reason, do it. U will be amazed at how well this works.

Well try it out and see what happens. lets hope it works and he leaves u alone.i know how frustrating it is when u dont like a guy and they keep pestering u. its something u may run into a few times in ur life, so try different things and see what works. if they dont listen when u ask em nicely, then try to figure out why they like u and try and work off that.

Just keep in mind. if it gets out of hand and at anytime if this guy goes to far or u feel threatened or like u could be in danger, try not to be around him by urself. try to always be around safe friends if he is gonna be around and try and have ur boyfriend there. if he does start to threaten u or stalk u or take anything to far, then maybe further action needs to be taken. like going to the police. ofcourse that is drastic measures, but only if it gets that far. u have to be safe. but hopefully the cold shoulder will get rid of him.

Good luck. when u get rid of him let me know what worked.

Take care.


* March 02, 2004, 05:44:25 PM
­Thanx so much for the advice, I forgot to say that earlier. Now the guy and I have a gr8 friendship. I dropped hints that I was not interested. We didn't talk at all for a few weeks, then he started being friendly, not over-friendly, just polite. It was gr8. Then we found out we have similar interests, so now he's one of my good friends, Thank you So Much for the advice

Bya By Sweet Cheeks :)
