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Guy shafted by Girl he liked
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December 18, 2001, 09:59:59 AM
­ Dear MaryAnne,
Hi I have been liking this one girl christy for about a month now and she went out with me and some girls made fun of her going out with me so she dumped me now she is going out with my friend and now I don't know what to say to her since she is going out with my friend should I stop liking her or is there a way to make her jealous or something?


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December 18, 2001, 10:00:45 AM
­ Rob:

Thank you for writing. I am so sorry that she did that just because of some girls attitudes. She needs to learn how to think for herself. She might have missed out on a very special guy I just don’t know (smile). And then for her to turn around and date your friend, which by the way, if he was your friend, which he wasn’t, he would have never started dating a girl you like. That is low and definitely not friends sticking together and helping each other out. How would he like it if you did it to him?
As far as she goes, you need to move on with your life. Find a girl that has enough self confidence she can make her own decisions and wants you for you. A girl that you can trust and won’t go out with your so called friends. If you do anything or say anything that just shows her that she got to you and that you really like her. Which you and I know you do but you don’t want her to know that. That just feeds her ego and your so called friends ego. He will think he really took the prize if you show that you care and that it bothers you that he is dating a girl you like. Guys and girls at your age are mostly ego so anything they might know or have heard, they will run with it. So don’t help them and give them ammunition to hurt you or to help tell your story to others. The goal of high school is to let go of your friends that are just because you have to be in school with them, but they will not stay in your life because you are going to college I hope. You don’t have time for anything petty.
I wouldn’t be around her so I wouldn’t have to talk to her. That will bother her more than anything. To act like someone doesn’t exist is about the worst thing you can do to them. She doesn’t exist anymore, as far as you and her. So you would just be living the truth. But most things like making someone pay or be jealous usually backfires and then you look worse than you did, which right now you don’t look back. I hope that you will not look back because you deserve much better from a girl. You are not at fault, this time, not sure what else has happened in your life. So I must preface it with (not sure) please understand.
You didn’t do anything she did so let her go and move on. There are plenty of girls.
They are better looking, nicer and whichever one likes you she will make you happy just you are. Give yourself some credit OK?
Good luck and just forget her too many girls and too much fun to have in life to be stuck at your age on a girl who dumps you for that reason and then takes up with your friend.

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