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LFA Café


I cheated and regret it, help me please
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* June 25, 2006, 08:17:10 PM
­My name is Matt and I have been dating this girl, steph, for almost three years now...i love her dearly and would do anything for her...a long time ­ago, about year and a half ago, i cheated on her, i slept with two girls and kissed two, steph did not want to do ­anything with me, sexualy, and i didnt know what to do, the opportunity was there so i took it....i kno­ that it was alot and since the day that i relized i was making the biggest misake of my life, i have told myself that it never happened...i told her that i have never done anyhing...i just wanted to forget that anything had ever happened, she later found out and she did not want to talk to me and we broke up and had h­uge arguements and it was just nasty...I finaly got to talk to her and told her everything, i told her no more lies and no more games, now we talk and even may start to get back togeather!!!! I told her how much i regret doing anything and that i would do anything for the rest of my life to make it up to her....I love her more than anything...i am not close to my family or many friends, i talk to her and tell her that i love her and that she will never have to ever worry about anything again. it is the truth!!!!
It probably doesnt help the situation, that i moved away for the summer and we can only talk on the phone, she does not trust me, nor should she, and we argue about talking to much or not talking enough...i promised her that she would always know what i am doing and i would like to know what she is doing...i always hold up on my part but when steph is around her friends, who dont like me, she wont talk to me tell what she is doing or where she is at, she wont tell me that she loves me or tell me anything about what she is doing...i ask her why she trys to show off in front of her friends and why she can never call me, like after she is done hanging out with them, and she just gets mad and wont say anything. She will never call me, she knows that i am at my grandparents house and do nothing and she says that she does not want to call becuse she thinks ill be busy...this is not a new thing, she never likes to call me, before and after our whole stiuation. She doesnt pick up thephone when i call becuse she gets mad when she thinks about me. when we talk, she always feels better when i tell her how much i love her and reasure her that nothing will ever happen again.

So my question is,how do i make her start to forgive me and stop her from thinking about everything and just how do i tell her i love her and make things better...i love this girl sooo much, i would and will do anyting for her!!!! someone please help me, i really need some advise!!!!

Thank you for even reading this and please respond

my e-mail is

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 if you would like to e-mail me and kno more...


June 26, 2006, 02:18:47 PM
­ Hi Everyone:

I want you to know I am responding to Matt privately through my website address. Just so you know I am doing what I can to help Matt.

But please any of you who read the forum if you have any help or support for Matt do post your response to him.
As you can read he is hurting and is reaching out to you all as well as me for any help that he can get.
We are all in this together so I would and I know Matt would appreciate any of you taking the time to write Matt on the forum giving him whatever positive suggestions or just support while he works his way through his problem.

I thank all of you for your support on this forum.
The goal is not only to get my help but to help each other. We all have something to contribute from our own experiences because we all have been through tough times.

This forum is for you to help each other and to take the time to give positive support and/or help to your peers.

Thank you for your input and for supporting this site.
No one should have to walk alone and we all need a little help from our friends.
I am here for you all but I also want you to be here for each other.

Where you know you can come for Professional, personal, right on target advice, life skills, crisis intervention,ask questions, confide in guaranteed help. With all the traps, scams, perverts and sites out there that are very unsafe, this site is your safe place. I have been doing this for 10 years.