LFA Café

LFA Café


Chapter 3
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* June 08, 2003, 12:38:38 AM
­Well we arranged to meet up before work at a little pizza restaurant, which I was happy about. I get there at 9:00pm and recieve a text message from her saying that she is running 15 mins late, and that she is bringing her friend!!!

So once again that screwed my plans to finally get everything out in the open!! With her friend being there. At work I asked if we could meet up somewhere during the week ALONE, because we need to talk. To which she replies "I can't, I have uni"

Then she tells me the name of the guy who was spreading rumors....., BUT THEN ASKS ME FOR HIS PHONE NUMBER (b/c her friend likes him, WTF!!!) I realised then and there (once and for all) that I could not go on like this

(if i ever get the chance to say it) I have figured out what I am gonna say: (she has told me in the past about terrible one night stand's she has had)

Considering the fact we never see each other (through no lack of effort on my part), I don't think we should see each other anymore.

It's a real shame, because I'm not like the other 99% of guys you've seen, only interested in one night stand's treating you like a piece of meat. You don't deserve that, you have low self esteem and it shows!! If you had just loosened up and actually made an effort, given it a chance, things could have been really good between the 2 of us. Stop playing needless mindgames, you don't need to. You are smart, funny (in your own way, LOL), generous and well, GOD DAMN HOT!!!. When you get your head straight and finally figure out what you want in life perhaps then I'd be willing to talk!!! you deserve better.

Do you think I definantly need to break up with her?
Do you think this is the right way to do it?

Could you inform me about "power" in a relationship, and how I go about getting it in future relationships? Do I need it? As thats where I believe the problems started between us

Best Wishes,


June 10, 2003, 12:18:49 AM
­ Rob:

I will answer you via email.

Where you know you can come for Professional, personal, right on target advice, life skills, crisis intervention,ask questions, confide in guaranteed help. With all the traps, scams, perverts and sites out there that are very unsafe, this site is your safe place. I have been doing this for 10 years.

June 10, 2003, 02:35:17 AM
­ Rob:

The problem does not start with you not having the power. You have the power if you want it you just take it. We all have the ability to have the power over ourselves and our lives it is up to us just to take it. What is lacking is what you said but in both of you, low self esteem. Her for being a one night stand around town and you for giving yourself up for someone who has shown you no respect or even that she cares if you stay or not. How much self esteem can you have if you are chasing a girl who isn't even interested in getting caught? Why are you going after someone who is making no effort to be with you or show you that they have it for you?
I mean she brings a girl friend that is so immature and it is also a real clear message I would think. But you don't seem to be getting it. So you wrote me since then and are going to email me and tell me what is going on. For this one though I would look at myself and ask the hard questions because she is not an issue right now as far as breaking up with her there is nothing to break up. So work on you and what is going on with you.
I will wait for your email to tell me what is happening if anything with her.
But it takes two ya know it always has and it always will.

Where you know you can come for Professional, personal, right on target advice, life skills, crisis intervention,ask questions, confide in guaranteed help. With all the traps, scams, perverts and sites out there that are very unsafe, this site is your safe place. I have been doing this for 10 years.