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Needs A Boyfriend
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* October 30, 2004, 06:46:24 PM
­ I want to have a boyfriend, I never have had one before. And I don't want an online one. I want a boyfriend thats for real.Theres this guy I like at school and hes not cute and neither am I. Now he knows I like him because my friends wrote him a note telling him that. She also asked him if he liked me, he said maybe. I've written him notes, a lot, for about 5 weeks now. He still hasn't replied and I'm too afriad to talk to him to his face, especially that now he knows. What do I do? I don't want other people to know I like him. Should I talk to him?Should I Wait?


* October 31, 2004, 11:13:14 AM
­ hello there, my name is Heather, a dear friend of MaryAnne.
I hope you don't mind me writing to you, I will help you the best I can. I am 20 years old by the way.
I was where you are when I was at school, I liked this guy in the sixth form, I mean, REALLY liked him, people thought it was just a crush, 'oh god it's a boy, i can see why u like him' etc.
But no, this was really happening and I was so shy I just couldnt face telling him how I felt, all the time not doing anything out of my shyness, he was asking other girls out. It was a vicious cirlce.
Anyway, I left a note for him it read, 'araon, i hope you don't think i am some crazy stalker, coz im not, but i have had my eye on you for a while and i kinda 'like' you, erm, a lot, so ah, maybe you would reply to this little letter with an answer to us going out for a drink sometime, from heather'. A few days later he came up to me face to face and said 'you are a nice girl, I will let you know when we can go out'. And of course, he never did let me know.
Talk about leading me on! But seriously, I know how it feels, I have been there, it is hard when you really like someone and yet the person you like doesn't see it.
Maybe he is shy, maybe he hasn't made up his mind yet because he needs to think cleary before rushing into a relationship with you, and if that's the case, it shows he genually cares.
My advice to you, is to play it calm and cool, even though deep down you are hitting your head constantly because you want him sooo bad, but try playing it 'hard to get'. It seems an effort, because when you see someone you like, your immediate response is to rush up to them telling them your un-dieing love to them, but it just frightens them. I know it is nerve wracking, I know, but do it anyway, fear can not take part in your life say to yourself, and walk right up to him. Say something like 'Hiya, how you doing today? Oh wow, I like what you've done to your hair today, it looks cool, anyway see ya later.' That should leave him feeling up-lifted and in suspense of what you meant about seeing him later. Then walk away. Then come back again later on in the day, don't make it too obvious, just walk past him, catch his eye maybe and say something like, 'oh, didn't see you there, alright?' You don't have to have a conversation if you don't want to face that, but just ask HIM open questions that he has to answer. What I find helpful when talking to a guy, is when he is the one talking, you listen, and there's something you can 'pick' up on in what he is saying and the conversation flows.
Go and talk to him sweethart, be yourself, if you are nervous, he probably is too. And you will never know until you try. You can wrtie him another letter if you feel safer doing it that way, but really it is a 'game', it is confusing for him, you are putting off speaking to him incase of rejection right? Telling him you like him, is one thing, but you need to know if he feels the same. Ask him a simple 'yes' or 'no' for going out sometime. With a dazzling smile, head up high and a confident, sexy look and act, you can't go wrong. Don't over do it, but don't be too cold on him either, let him come to you gently, and reassure him when he does, be sweet, compliment him, make him laugh. If you like this guy, go for it now, hit the rocks and go get him. If he say's no, you can reply back here for more advice.
H: Kevill


October 31, 2004, 11:45:46 AM
­ Felicia:

I see you got one response already from Heather. Let's hope others will put in their ideas for you to choose from. I think we have all been where you are I know I was and I did the same thing you did and ended up scaring the guy away because I came on too strong. So I am going to come at this from another point of view. He "knows" you like him, your friend has told him, you say you have told him many times, I say give the guy some breathing room. Times don't really change, guys are shy they are as insecure as we are and when someone comes on real strong the guy really doesn't know what to do. Back off a little, make yourself a little mysterious and now that he knows how you feel, if you back off it may make him come forward because you stopped doing all the work. Let him do some of the work now. I mean what else is there for you to do but continue to push and that isn't going to get you anywhere. Back off, with the notes, but when you see him, smile, flirt with your eyes but let that be it and see what he does. You can't do worse you aren't getting anywhere now so see what happens if he starts to wonder what happened to you. If you are doing all the work he just has to sit back and enjoy the ego boost, let's get him involved in some pursuing. So flirt, be cute but no more writing and tell your friends to just drop it and see what he does.
There are many rules to flirting and one is if you write or call 3 times with no response you stop. If you have done the 3 time rule then it is time to stop. Again as Heather said see what happens and then write back on the forum and let us know what happened. We can always change tactics and maybe others will have more to add.
Good luck, also it wouldn't hurt for you to look around for a couple of other guys to flirt with so you don't just put everything on this one guy, making him work for you or get a little jealous doesn't hurt ya know.
Let us know,

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