LFA Café

LFA Café


I need ansaz PLEASE!! I thought it was so simple!
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* July 07, 2006, 09:39:28 PM
­my boyfriends jeans are waaaaay tight! makes'em look gay! how can i tell him ina way that DOES NOT embarrass him that i hate them and that I wanna see him in muchmore loose jeans! I really hate them LITERALLY! plz help it's drivin me insaaaaaaaaaaane!


July 12, 2006, 02:14:47 PM
­ Alaa:

As far as the "jean" issue with b/f. I thought I would respond on the forum.
Now I wish and hope others on this site will respond because this one is up for grabs.
What I would do but this is purely coming from a woman's point of view and not a professional's there really isn't anything in psychology that covers this topic
I would "buy" him a pair of jeans that you like and give them to him as a present, just be no biggy kind of deal when you give them to him.
Then when he wears them make a big deal. Compliment him and show him with kissy face huggy bear and how they make him look like a hunk kind of things. Of course don't over do it so that you are obvious. Then each time he wears them again use positive reinforcement. Well I guess this comes under Dr. Skinner in Psychology with positive reinforcement as a way to change a behavior so we will put it there.
Anyway hopefully he will get the message that he looks better in jeans that are not skin tight and start wearing yours more or buying himself another pair. That is the only way I can think of that would not offend him. Or you could point out when you are out together other guys who are wearing jeans you like and say something about how nice those jeans look on a "guy" and how girls really go for that kind of look. That is a cheaper way to get your point across and if you do it again not so obvious just intermittent reinforcement he will get your drift. Otherwise just let it be ain't no biggy if that is the worst problem you have with him. I have a hard time getting mine to even change his pants. He would wear the same thing every day. He is a geek and just isn't into clothes at all soooo I let it go because he wouldn't be who he is if he changed how he thought. I just clean him up and let the rest go.
Hope these are options if you choose to pursue this little problem. Otherwise just love him and enjoy him for who he is inside.
Talk to you via email later tonight.

Hey anyone have any suggestions for Alaa for her b/f fashion problem???
Everyone reads but no one writes. I sure could use the help as summer's are really busy so anyone who has any suggestions or advice for any posted problems please write. We all need a little help from our friends.

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