LFA Café

LFA Café


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* September 18, 2004, 08:03:28 PM
­ Hello,

Last night i made out (French kissed) with a girl named Merissa. Even though i had another girlfriend (Elissa). I made out with her about 6-7 times (merissa). Then it went a little further. Then i felt her up under her shirt and kissed her boobs. But i never went into her pants and it never went any further.I dont know if i should tell my girlfreind or not. What do you think i should do tell my girlfriend or dump my girlfriend and go out with merissa?


September 22, 2004, 02:55:31 AM
­ Eli:

I think this is an easy one. For you to 1.go out on your g/f, 2.Even question whether you should drop her or not, makes me feel you are not very invested and maybe you should just play the field and date. You obviously are not devoted or that in love with your g/f or you would have said things differently. I would not "tell" your g/f what you did. All that does it unnecessarily hurt her for no reason. You seem to have it for the other girl and want to see more of her or you wouldn't have asked if you should drop your g/f and date this other girl. You are young and should play the field so you can find out what you are really looking for. But I would go to my g/f before someone else does and tell her you want to see other girls and are not ready to settle down. You are only 14 that is too young to be going any further than the shirt as it is and it is natural to want to see and be with any girl you find attractive to you so why not that is what youth is for to find your way for later when you get older and are ready to find the right girl. You will know what you want in a g/f and there will be no question about whether you should stay with her because no other girl will catch your eye strong enough to make you be unfaithful. If you get what I mean. So be kind, gentle and give your g/f the same opportunities that you are taking behind her back, to find a guy she can trust and will maybe be faithful. If you decide to stay with your g/f then you need to be faithful as long as you are going together. So the answer is really up to you, is your g/f worth leaving all other attractive girls alone or not??? If you can stay faithful don't break up but you can't have it both ways, you will get caught and it is cruel also. You need to be faithful or break up. Which one can you say "yes" to faithfulness or need to experiment? You will be much more respected if you go to a girl and say you can't see her anymore exclusively than get caught as a betrayer. Do the right thing through out your dating years and married years, be honest to yourself and to your g/f about what you are capable of and not capable of "before" you go out and act on your inabilities. Sooooo bottom line if you really care for your g/f then be faithful and tell her before someone else does or break up and play the field until you find someone you really have no desire to go out on.
Let me know what you decide,

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