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Girlfriend Emergency!!!
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* June 01, 2003, 04:07:51 AM
­My name is Robert and I recently started seeing a lovely girl, in which I met at work. We went out, had a great time and really hit it off. However, since then (a month) she has gradually drifted away from me. I am pretty sure we are both seeing each other in a fun based relationship, but for the last 2 weeks she has always been "too tired or busy" to see me. Last night at work (we work in a nightclub) she avoided me and then on the way home from work I recieved text messages from her claiming I had been telling everyone about our relationship including that I told everyone we had "sex." This is untrue as I would never talk or LIE to ANYONE about anything like that unless it was directly to her. She has since ignored my repeated attempts to call or message her asking for an explaination of what happened.

Can you please help me, I don't know what to do, I feel guilty that she was embarrassed by hurtful gossip that I did not start and had no control over. How can I explain myself to her? Will she allow me to explain myself? Do you feel this is a lie she has made up, because she is simply not interested in me or has perhaps found someone else?

Thanking you in advance,


June 01, 2003, 02:27:35 PM
­ Robert:

Well, Robert first anyone worth anything would give you a chance to explain so there is something up with her. I would approach her at work and ask her to please let you have a talk with her after work that she owes you at least a few minutes to understand what she has heard and for you to say your truth to her. I mean even a convicted felon gets his time in court to speak. She owes you that much if she has any feelings for you at all. If she will not give you any time. What I would do is write her an email explaining your feelings, how you see what she is doing to you and send it. Then you just have to drop it from there you have done all you can do and there must be something else up like you suspect. I am sorry she is treating you like this. I hope she allows you a few minutes after work or at least reads your email. But there is just so much you can do and then you have to realize that you have no control over someone else and what they decide to do. As long as you try, speak the truth and have been honorable well it is her loss and some other girls gain Robert. Don't worry you can never be done in by the truth you will always come out the winner just maybe not in your time frame or with who you "think" is such a "lovely" girl but definitely some time with someone who will be all that you want in a girl.
Just remember if things don't add up there is usually a reason and if she doesn't give you a chance and just assumes the gossip over you who she has gotten to know some well there is more to the story than you are privy to and there you have to trust that things work out the way they do for a reason. It will all come clear someday I promise you that.
So let me know what happens if she gives you a few minutes or responds to your email. If not move on she isn't who you think she is after all.

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