LFA Café

LFA Café


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* September 04, 2003, 06:00:13 PM
­­My mom is so strict she will not let me do anything outside of school but makes me do everything around the house even watch my 2 year old brother all day. Could you help me figure out what her problem is



* September 04, 2003, 10:02:36 PM
­ Nicole:

So u think ur mum is strict hey! yes i am familiar with the strict parent. my best friend is 19 and she still has to be picked up from the bus stop and train station which are a 2 minute walk from her house! it drives her insane, but she knows that its just cause they love and care about her and dont want anything to happen to her.
However, i know how frustrating it is, when u want ur freedom and independence and all old mum is doing is draggin u down, right?. well let me tell u, going through ur teenage years, ull have alot of disagreements and arguments with ur mother. and it is going to be very frustrating. but the key thing that will help u, just like the friend situation, is just to lay it all on the table. tell her how u feel,how u think she is unfair, and too strict. see if u can come to some agreement.( i know its hard, but try not to scream!)
now i know teenagers have a tendancey to exaggerate, so when u say she makes u do everything around the house, do u mean, put the bin out, or do u feel that she is placing an unfair amount of work on u. Every family functions differently. if ur mum is asking u to do alot, it may mean that she cannot do it all herself, and would not ask u uless she really needed the help.if u feel it is too much, then tell her. try and work something out between u. compromise. maybe if u do some housework, then she can let u go over ur mates house. i have no idea how it works in ur house, but just talk to her and see what she says. parents can be tought ones to crack when it comes to growing up and letting their children go. it may be a tough transition for her as well. shes been so used to looking after u all these years, and now u dont need her so much anymore. thats gotta be tough. so thats where she may be coming from. ask her.let me know how it goes.

Take care.
