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LFA Café


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November 29, 2003, 10:18:44 PM
­ok...theres this guy and all he will do is write all over his website how much he loves me...i hate him...he wont change it...the whole school is going to know now...what can i do to tell him to stop if he wont listen to me?


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* November 30, 2003, 06:42:51 PM
­ Dear Jessica,

Oh boy. theres nothing worse than unwanted attention. well there is but its not fun if u know what i mean. Anyway!
So this guy will is really into you and he likes you alot and has this website all about you and how much he like you. He sounds like hes got it for you bad. now from what youve told me you really dont like him having this website saying how much he likes and and its stressing you quite a bit. Well dont stress too much because its just a website and unless its got bad stuff about you on it, it cant really be harmful to you or your reputation. Sounds like hes just talking you up and letting everyone know what a specail person you are. Dont worry about what people at school will think. so they know he likes you, hows that gonna reflect badly on you? however i can understand that you dont want a website dedicated to you by some guy you dont like. i dont think i would be entriely comfortable with it either. so lets try and get rid of this website and get him off your back.

I am trying to think of why he would do this if he likes you and you dont like it and asked him to stop. if i liked someone i would not be doing something against their wishes, i wouldnt upset them like that or turn them away. i can suggest that maybe its attention seeking. if he knows that you dont like him then maybe this is his way of drawing your attention to him. maybe now you have a reason to talk to him, even if it is unpleasant, none the less he is having interaction with you. if you think this is the case, then maybe try not reacting to it and igonore it and maybe he will stop and it will all settle down. however, he may just be really into you, to the point of obsession. just watch him, if he starts to do things like stalking you or calling you continously, really harassing you, and you ask him to stop and doesnt, then go to the police. just watch it doesnt get out of hand.

Now if you really detest the idea of him having that website up and cant just ignore it then lets work on that. First of all, you say that he wont listen to you, so i am assuming that you have talked to him and asked him to take it down. if you havent spoken to him, do it. and maybe if u have try again. talk to him in person because that is the most successful way to get ur message across and he will take u more seriously than just an email or phone call. When you talk to him, ask him to stop talking about you on his website and if he can take anything he has writen about you or any photos off there. tell him that you feel uncomfortable with him talking about you on his website and that you dont feel the same way about him. And also ask if he really likes you, then why would he continue writing about you on the internet against your wished and stress you out like this.also let him know that no matter what he writes its not gonna make you fall madly in love with him and change the way you feel about him. only turn you away from him more.

if he refuses to take it down then you need to take further action.Have you spoken to your parents about it? I would tell them what has been going on if they already dont know and tell them that you have spoken to him and asked him to take it down and he has refused. Ask them if they could talk to his parents about it and get his parents to talk to him and get him to take it off. that should work. however if his parents defend him and nothing happens and the website still stays up with you on it, then if you feel comfortable with it, contact the police. hopefully it wont get to that and his parents will step in, but if they dont, talk to the police and see what you can do about it. i dont know the exaxct rules or internet laws but i think that if he has untrue facts about you on there it is classed as defamation. its a bit tricky because he is just telling how he feels about you. however if he is making up stuff that is not true im sure that you can do something about that.

well try to talk to him, see how it goes. hopefully it only has to go as far as your parents speaking to his at the most. good luck with it all. let me know how it all went and what worked.

Take care.
