LFA Café

LFA Café


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* June 12, 2006, 12:32:22 PM
­Hi, My name is Jessica. I'm 14 and have many many problems. (Who doesn't?) Anyways, My mom, who's now 31, was diagnosed with Lupus and other kinds of diseases when she was in her mid-20's. She has been put on several pricy medicines. Here's the problem: By the time we pay the house payment and other little bills, we have very little to pay for her pricy medication. She's tried out for Disability and Medicare..but she can't get it. A good majority of her diseases are on there, but she still can't get it! She doesn't even have insurance on herself! I was hoping you guys might have a solution to my problem.


June 26, 2006, 02:37:34 PM
­ Hi Everyone:

I wanted to post this response so you would know that I have been and will continue to help Jessica and her family through private emails.

Since we are all in this together I want to give you an update.
Jessica has talked to her mother who is willing to correspond with me so that I can help her and Jessica's family get all the financial help and emotional support through this very difficult situation.
I am going to write Jessica's mother so that we can talk on the phone. I need to get alot of information and one phone call can take the place of many emails. This way I can best direct her mother and help her make a plan for the best course of action in getting what help she can qualify for
Unfortunately the government is a very complex set of systems that do their best to keep from giving those in need what they so desperately need.
I have been through what Jessica's mother is going through so I know first hand how difficult it is to get help when you need it the most. It took me years to just get the basics so that I could at least try to get the medical care I so desperately needed. I am still in my battle as many of you know that have been with me for years.
At least I feel good that I do know alot more than when I started so that I may be able to link Jessica's mom with some financial help so that she can get the medications and medical care she needs to keep her illnesses under control.

Do say a prayer for Jessica and her family as it is very scary to lose your health and have no where to turn when you need medications to keep you alive or crippling pain under control.

I think Jessica is a real trooper reaching out like she did to try and help her family so that she can have her mother back in her life.

Jessica is quite a remarkable young lady and very mature beyond her years. I think what she has done and her help giving me the information I need to try and find help for her family has been amazing.

I will keep you posted on any progress we make.

Also if any of you have any suggestions for Jessica or just some emotional support for her please take the time to post on this forum to Jessica.

Think about how you would feel and what you would want if you were going through this kind of hardship.

I want to get this forum to become more interactive and for you all to respond more to each other.

You don't have to have answers like I say the most important part is letting the posting person know they are not alone. That we do care and give some emotional support.

So let's get more involved here. This isn't my forum it is your forum and I want you all to be apart of it.
There is nothing like positive support, just a note anything from your peers so that you don't feel you are all alone and the only one with problems.

Please take some time to start giving support to those who write on this forum, they need you and I need you. Let's make this forum alive and really get it to be a forum that kids want to come to because they know they can get professional help for free and all kinds of support from their peers to know they are not alone.
Thank you,

Where you know you can come for Professional, personal, right on target advice, life skills, crisis intervention,ask questions, confide in guaranteed help. With all the traps, scams, perverts and sites out there that are very unsafe, this site is your safe place. I have been doing this for 10 years.