LFA Café

LFA Café


Ego Problems
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* December 03, 2009, 09:39:23 AM
Dear Marianne, I have tried dating men from an online site, and I have noticed a strange pattern with myself.
  I recently went out with a guy that I liked, we went on a second date, and he planned a third.  Then some work issues came up for him and he's dropped off radar. 
  Now that he doesn't call, I seem to be so consumed with wanting him to contact me that I feel like I'm developing stronger feelings for him than would merit. 
  Other men who are more in contact with me on a regular basis don't seem to peak my interest.
  Why is it that you always seem to want the ones that "got away"?  Do I have some wacko self esteem problem where I crave the bad boy all the time?
  Can you help me?  I feel like I was doing just fine until this guy came along.
  Girl Confused
