LFA Café

LFA Café


What did i do wrong..?
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* December 13, 2005, 03:47:04 PM
­I have this friend she was my best friend ever, until she started ditching me for this 7th grader and we are 15. She called me up one day and started accusing me of saying all kinds of stuff I have never heard about. Then she stared crying and said that if i said it to try and not say anything else bacause her boyfriend was for sure gonna break up with her, if i say anything else. SO i said I hadn't said anything and that she would be fine and if she needed me i would be there for her. So she said okay and said she was tired and wanted to go to sleep.

The next day she came up to me and started acting like nothing had happened, but by the end of the day she had pretty much turned in to some "thing" that all she wanted to do is kill me or something. It was awful!

NOw she won't talk to me at all and i talked to her brother and he told me to call her and try and straightin things out because we need to be friends again. But if she would call me and apologize or something then i might talk to her, but her brother said that is exactly what she told him about me. I don't know how to straighten things out. I really need a friend like her right now and i don't know what to do. Plaese help, anything will do.


* January 11, 2006, 12:30:07 AM
­hey well if she says she wants t­o hurt u then u should not be her friend cause u can get alot of friends and if u want u can like email me or like talk .i know u dont kn­ow me but well im loosing some of my friends to.but anyways­ my email is

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amanda B
