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LFA Café


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* March 10, 2004, 05:34:54 PM
­i told this guy i needed space for a week and he asked me why and i told him he was smothering me. I saw him recently and looked all depressed and everything can anyone tell me why he was all depressed and why do they get angry?


* March 11, 2004, 06:06:59 AM
­ Hi.

You didnt give me alot of information so it doesnt give me alot to go off but i will try.

Now im not sure if this guy your boyfriend, a boy you are dating or just a friend so i cant answer specifcally.

Now, seeing as this guy was smothering you so much, i take it he really enjoys your company. however you need your space. He may be feeling rejected and a bit embarassed. Boys have big egos, and its probably a bit bruised, so that will explain the depression and angryness. he may be feeling that you dont like him. if you do like him and want a relationship to continue, whether it be friendship, or relationship, you will need to talk to him.

In your talk clarify how you feel about him and clear up any misconceptions that either of you may have. he might be feeling disapointed or confused about where he stands in your relationship. So i think if you talk things out and clarify that you need your own space and it is nothing against him personally he may deal with it better and not get so upset and angry.

I hope this helps. if you have any questons or want me to clarify please ask.

Take care.
