You do know what the right thing to do is or you wouldn't feel guilty. IF you were doing the right thing you would be OK with how this is all unfolding but you don't. You know it is wrong. What you are afraid of is losing your g/f because she will blame you no matter what. What kind of best friend is that anyway putting you in the middle of something so mean. We all have to stand sometime in our lives and take consequences we don't like though we know we are standing for the right thing. Now you either keep a selfish, cold friend who doesn't seem to care about anyone's feelings but her own or you do the honorable thing. You give her first option that is she tells "X" the truth or you will. But she is not just hurting "X" she is hurting "Y" and you that is three people all 3 who she is supposed to have feelings for especially you Hana.
It is tough yeah but you know exactly what you need to do and I think if you stop and look at this girl she isn't your friend and someday she is going to do you in so what have you got to lose? But you have a lot you can do to save your friends who don't deserve this kind of treatment, how would she like it done to her?
Standing alone is scary I have been there, most people reading this have too but at the end of the day Hana you have to be able to live with yourself so what will get rid of your guilt? The answer to that question is what you need to do and soon. Friends, people will come and go in your life but you have to live with you for the rest of your life. Search your soul and remember guilt is a calling card to tell you that you are going against yourself in some way. Now you have to be one with yourself first so do what ever the answer is that will get rid of your guilt.
I will support you and be here for you whatever you decide to do and you can write back for help, support or just to know that you are not alone because you aren't. You will have to make these kinds of decisions your whole life so you might as well get use to them. We all have to have convictions, ethics, morals and an honor code and they are not easy to live by but if you do at least you can always like yourself and never feel regret or guilt and as an adult I can tell you that is worth everything. You can't ever take something back so live by your honor code so you don't have to live with regret.
Let me know what you decide is the right thing to do and I will help you in any way I can,
"To thine own self be true."
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