LFA Café

LFA Café


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* September 04, 2003, 05:46:44 PM
­ Hello,
Well I'm in the 8th grade and nobody seems to like me my B.F when we were getting along better told me that I was blind that I have a lot of people look at me. But see I'm not attractive at all I think. Could you give me some advice.



* September 04, 2003, 09:47:23 PM
­ Nicole:

Well is sounds like u sorted things out with ur friend. good to hear. when u say that no one likes u, im not sure if u are talking about people in general or just boys. well, lets start with u. u say ur not attractive. what makes u think that? how do u know that? whats attractive? for me attractive is whats on the inside. if people arent going to be ur friends because of what u look like, then trust me, u dont want them as friends anyway! that is a very shallow way of thinking and someone who is ur friend because of the way u look, does not genuinely care about u. the same goes for guys.a genuine guy that will treat u right will not judge u on what u look like.
why do u think that no one likes u? did they tell u, or have u just assumed it all. assumption is very powerful, but very destructive. i feel that u put alot of emphasis on what other poeple think of u. the important thing is to not let other peoples opinions effect ur self esteem. i think it is vital that u love urself more and get ur self esteem up. like maryanne said before, do things that make u feel good about urself. doll urself up, get into things u like, reading, drawing, painting, yoga, what ever u like! something u can lose urself in and get away form the every day stresses of a teenagers life. it wasnt long ago i was 14 and my sister is 13 now. i know what its like-a very akward time! i feel that from this letter and ur last, u need a boost. try and not be so down on urself. accept urself the way u are and love urself, no mater what! K! if u love urself and treat urself right, then others will do the same. if u say to urself, no one likes me, everyone treats me badly, then thats what will happen. if u turn it around and tell urself, i am loved, i am beautiful, people want to be my friend, then u will attract that to urself. even if u dont believe it when u start to say it, after saying it over and over u will. u will be amazed at how much this works. maryanne taught it to me. use it. and also i remember at that age, i felt very akward because i was going through the changes of puberty and i looked so different than what i was. i felt very uncomfortable but as i developed, i felt more at ease with my boday and am now very comfortable with what i look like. so try not to worry so much. everyone feels yucky during puberty.remember ur not the only one who feels this way. i hope u have found what i have said useful. be nice to urself. :)

Take care.
