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Whats up with our friend?
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* July 26, 2004, 09:40:35 PM
­OK...our friend comes to us the other day saying she made $100 in a few hours, she cant tell us how where or who bcuz she swore on the Holy Bible with a knife in it and it envolves stealing! Well! hello! What the hell is she doing? Dealing Drugs? The friken Black Market? If anyone can help us can you plz msg us! We dont noe what to think any more....shes a totally different person! thank you!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 01:53:28 PM by admin »


July 26, 2004, 11:57:49 PM
­ OK Forum People:

We have over 181 members who read this forum. We have a teen in trouble major trouble. Everybody think and write what you think this girl should do to help her friend. Out of all of us we have to be able to help this girl. She could end up in drug dealing, porn, sex slavery, kidnapped now let's put our heads together and figure out what she should do to help her friend.
I want to see suggestions. I have helped all of you now is your turn to help me and one of your own.
Please write to this girl any suggestions will be helpful. Let's save her before it is too late.
Thank you,

Where you know you can come for Professional, personal, right on target advice, life skills, crisis intervention,ask questions, confide in guaranteed help. With all the traps, scams, perverts and sites out there that are very unsafe, this site is your safe place. I have been doing this for 10 years.

* July 27, 2004, 01:11:58 AM
­Hmm.. Whatever your friend is into, its obviously not good. she swore she wouldnt tell you because im assuming, shes been told not to. theres obviously someone she fears that has made her swear to keep shut-someone who she wouldnt dare defy. think about any new friends that shes been hanging around. Any strange people linguring. You said that shes a totally different person. how so? severe mood swings can be caused by drug use.OR is it just more of a 'rebel' attitude that is different about her? maybe just ask ur peers. dont mention her name at all. just ask around if anyone knows how to make some 'fast money'. someone may of heard of something. just be careful, dont go putting yourself in danger. If you think that shes really in danger, maybe go to the police. i dont know if you can do like an anonomous phone call, and ask if they know of any illegal operations that are going on. that might help find out what shes into. well good luck. let us know what happens. any other info would help us help you.
Remember, stay safe.

Take care.


* July 27, 2004, 03:01:23 PM
­First off we want to thank everyone for their suggestions...They've been alot of help. We were thinking and we made a list sorta of everything shes told us since this all began. And just to add... she knows this boy named Danny and her mom has forbidden her to talk with him because hes not that good of an influence on her. We know that she is making contact with him and that hes is the one that made her swearon the bible. Ok so here we go. the following stuff is right out of her mouth!
-"I only steal things from people its worth stealing from and i only sell them because i have to."
- "i Made $100 in less than an hour"
-Most of her money has to go to "Danny" because he is her "employer"
-Shes telling us all she did was have a garage sale
-She said she is goin to make another $100 next week
-ALWAYS avoiding the subject!!
We really wanna thank everyone whos helped. This site is great! thanks! -We'll keep you posted.


* July 28, 2004, 11:42:49 PM
­I knew there had to be someone whos pulling the strings behind all of this. Is she in love with this Danny guy? i dont know why she would just do it because he told her to and let him take most of the money. If she gets caught, shes going to get the wrap for it. so shes putting herself at risk, and he is getting the profit from it. I cant think why she would do this other than being really into this guy. If you can, try to talk some sense into her and remind her just how much trouble she can get herself into. This guy doesnt sound like the kinda guy you trust. first its stealing, what next? if shes into him, then she probably wont want to listen to you, but make this point to her. if he really cared about her, then he would not be putting her in danger by making her steal. If she doesnt want to hear any of it and it gets out of hand, go to her mum. tell her what you know-she has more power over ur friend than you do. every kid doesnt want to face the rath of their parents.
let me know what happens

Take care.
