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is my boyfriend using me
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* November 12, 2005, 02:59:56 PM
­hi me any my boyfriend have been going out off and on and this is our third relationship. He have two jods and he have school (college) but i feel he don't give me that attention i want. We don't really talk that long on the phone plus when ever he say he will call me back he never do. what is going on and he told me that i am wasting his mins. Please help me



* November 23, 2005, 10:31:47 PM
­ crystal-
my best advice to u is that u need to tell ur boyfried how u feel and be honest about ur feelings and if he still neglicks u then maybe u need to look at ur relationship and decied if thats realy what u want in a relationship. b/c theres one of two things happening here. A-theres just a cummnication probblem with the two of youns. or B-hes just trying to blow u off and doesnt want any thing to do with you. but like i said u need to clearly state how hes makeing u feel. and if he doesnt want to try to work things out then piss on him! u sound like an interesting person youll find sum who will care for you. or in other words if u think ur in love with him and its ment to-be then everthing will work out in time. sum people need a little space in relationships but like i said cummnication is the nuber answer to most if not all relation ship probblems. hopes this helps -jason
