LFA Café

LFA Café


Distress/Over-reaction Call for help...
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* July 26, 2010, 10:45:54 PM
-sigh- Well .. this isn`t much of a big deal but ... I am currently in a relationship with an amazing guy who makes me feel SO special whenever i`m around him. But there are times when we would BOTH joke around about being with another guy or girl. And after awhile we would get mad, saying stuff like how the other isn`t committed enough. So i begin to believe sometimes that i`m not good enough for him. And it`s summer, i haven`t been around him at ALL for specific reasons... But i HAVE been around this VERY GOOD-LOOKING guy who has a breath taking S M ; ) E haha . And so .. i find myself attracted to him most of the time /= Which makes me feel so horrible because i have a boyfriend... and i don`t know what to do. Should i tell him? or would that just ruin our relationship even more... is it something i should think through or... am i over-reacting? Please help me figure things out by answering these questions and by giving me advice. Unless i`m a waste of you`re time ... help :-\


* August 01, 2010, 05:54:22 PM
hello dear, i am one of maryannes best friends, and as you are recent to this forum i would llike to help you. Your problem is very real if you are feeling it as real, then it IS REAL. So never feel you are silly or wasting anyones time. Ok! Your problem is MY problem, we are
going to work together ok you are not alone.
So you have a boyfriend, yet you mess around saying about fantasies, which is what they are, of other guys and girls.
Do you maybe feel you are both scared of commitment and just want to see the others reactions?
You both want to be sure you are right for one another, and are using the fantasies of other people to prove a point?
Now this the guy you like, it's ok to feel these feelings towards him. This other guy has, what the other guy is lacking, or you are both lacking? Hey, talk to me more about it, and i will try to help you more in an more FULL email ok or write up, I will write a good letter to
you I promise you that. My name is Heather, Maryannes friend to write on this site to help, with love, you write when you can and when you want and when you need too ok my love, you take care and always follow your heart xxx
