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LFA Café


I dont understand........
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January 13, 2002, 11:10:05 AM
­I like this guy, and sometimes I think he likes me too, but everytime I see his friends, they all stare at me. It's kinda creepy and I just don't understand why they are staring at me. They may know that I like him, but right now me and him are just friends, and seems like that is all we will ever be. Why do you think they all stare at me whenever I pass by them?

Where you know you can come for Professional, personal, right on target advice, life skills, crisis intervention,ask questions, confide in guaranteed help. With all the traps, scams, perverts and sites out there that are very unsafe, this site is your safe place. I have been doing this for 10 years.

January 14, 2002, 06:00:52 PM
­ Princes998:

Huh, that is creepy. When I read your question several reasons came to mind. That is about all we can do is guess. So see what you think of any of these. First I thought well maybe you are just really pretty to look at and they stare because they wish they were him. Is it that kind of stare? You know that would help me a lot if you could describe the kind of stare that would tell me why.
Since I don’t know on to the second reason, he may be saying things like some guys do like that you and he are more than just friends and they are staring at you because he is telling them stuff which wouldn’t be nice but it happens. Is it that kind of stare?
Third thing I thought is maybe he has told them he likes you and they are just sizing you up since he is their friend and they want to know about you. Is it that kind of “size up” stare?
Those are the only things that come to my mind as to why they would be staring. If you are “kinda” friends with him. Why don’t you ask him? Just say “ya know your friends sure stare a lot at me why is that?” Maybe he doesn’t even know and he will make them stop or maybe it will make him pursue you more. You always have the right to ask somebody something and I think if you are feeling like you are I would ask.
I want to put one more thing in here, God gave us an inner “indicator” so that we can know when there may be something wrong around us. Some people say they feel it in their gut, others say it is just a feeling and others say it is like a six sense, whatever. You are using the word “creepy” bothers me. Be careful you don’t know these guys and when we are around a familiar environment we tend to let our guard down and think nothing can happen to us because it just wouldn’t happen but it does. You are getting a bad feeling, trust it because it will never lie to you. All girls and women should trust this feeling. I never go against my “gut” feeling and it has got me out of many situations that could have turned out to be very threatening to me. I thank God I listened or I wouldn’t be here writing you right now. Anyway it is better to be on the side of caution. Don’t be alone where these guys are just be careful and realize that you are “feeling” this uncomfortable feeling and pay attention to it OK? Just cuz they are home boys does not mean something can not happen.
I just want you to be aware of this and stay safe. I have been in this business a long time and I know that nothing is impossible and what we think can’t happen does happen.
I hope you find out what the story is and if you do or you need more help write me and I will do all I can. I also would like to know the answer to your situation.
Be safe,

Where you know you can come for Professional, personal, right on target advice, life skills, crisis intervention,ask questions, confide in guaranteed help. With all the traps, scams, perverts and sites out there that are very unsafe, this site is your safe place. I have been doing this for 10 years.